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While these texts are many years old, the methods they describe are timeless and remain in widespread use.  Most editions contain Working Forms for use on your facilities planning projects.  You will find English-language versions of these forms in Microsoft Excel on the Downloads page at www.RichardMuther.com

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To download a book, click on the Link & File name desired.

Language Title Link to PDF Size English Title
Spanish Produccion en Serie Spanish PLT.pdf 26 Mb Production Line Technique
Spanish Distribucion en Planta Spanish PPL.pdf 35 Mb Practical Plant Layout
Spanish Planificacion y Proyeccion de la
Empresa Industrial (Metodo SLP)
Spanish SLP.pdf 24 Mb Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 1st ed.
Spanish Systematic Handling Analysis
(Analisis Sistematico de Manutencion)
Spanish SHA.pdf 27 Mb Systematic Handling Analysis (SHA)
Chinese  chinese_slp Chinese SLP.pdf  130.2
Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)
Chinese  chinese_sha Chinese SHA.pdf  51.4
Systematic Handling Analysis (SHA)
Chinese  chinese_spif Chinese SPIF.pdf  161.2
Systematic Planning of Industrial Facilities, Vol. I & II
Japanese  japanese_slp Japanese SLP.pdf 12 Mb Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 1st ed.
Japanese  japanese_sha Japanese SHA.pdf 9 Mb Systematic Handling Analysis (SHA)
Japanese  japanese_spif Japanese SPIF.pdf 18 Mb Systematic Planning of Industrial Facilities, Volumes I and II
Dutch Systematische Layout Planning (SLP) Dutch SLP.pdf 37 Mb Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 1st ed.
Dutch Vereenvoudigde Systematische Layout
Planning (Simplified SLP)
Dutch SSLP.pdf 12 Mb Simplified Systematic Layout Planning
Dutch Systematische Materiaalstroom en
Transport Analyse (SHA)
Dutch SHA.pdf 25 Mb Systematic Handling Analysis (SHA)
Czech Systematicke projektovani (SLP) Czech SLP.pdf 28 Mb Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 1st ed.
Czech Systematicke navrhovani manipulace
s materialem (SHA)
Czech SHA.pdf 26 Mb Systematic Handling Analysis (SHA)
French L’implantation rationnelle de votre enterprise (Methode SLP) French SLP.pdf 25 Mb Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 1st ed.
Italian Manuale del Layout Italian SLP.pdf 23 Mb Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) 1st ed.
German Systematische Materialfluss und
Transport Analyse (SHA)
German SHA.pdf 26 Mb Systematic Handling Analysis (SHA)
Swedish Forenklad Systematisk
Swedish SSLP.pdf 26 Mb Simplified Systematic Layout Planning